Monday, September 22, 2008

...And this is the GOP's fault because?

I am not a Republican, but I do find it disturbing that just about everything that goes wrong seems to be blamed on the GOP.  Our latest "financial crisis" is no exception.  

I don't think the Republicans alone are responsible for this "meltdown" - Democrats should shoulder much of the blame too, given how they control both the House and Senate.  But perhaps Democrats should take the majority of the responsibility in light of this gem of an article.


  1. Erik. It is always the republicans fault. Republicans are all closet homosexuals, and all want America to be ruled by some sort of religious nut job/capitalist pig hybrid. I learned it at a liberal arts college, so it must be true.

    At least your conservative types are fighting back:

  2. Democrats may be part of the problem but look at who suggested the new agency in the first place: George W. Bush. According to your article: "The Bush administration today recommended the most significant regulatory overhaul in the housing finance industry since the savings and loan crisis a decade ago." As far as I'm concerned I think he's still a registered Republican, regardless of whether he acts like one or not. We should keep an eye on this, see if the Dems in Congress take any actions on it.

  3. I think both of you are missing the point that the "gem of an article" is dated from September 11th, 2003.

    While I would have disagreed with Bush's proposal anyway, I think that to blame the Republicans for a lack of foresight and lack of regulation on the financial crisis is simply wrong.
